During your online meeting, work efficiently as a team on your documents
Beenote is a collaborative online meeting management tool that allows you to structure the agenda, collaborate on notes in real-time, or quickly write up your minutes.
Beenote’s strength: documenting your virtual meetings.

During the videoconference, document the most important part, your meeting
Beenote is the perfect complement to your videoconferences by making it possible to document and keep an audio and written record of your meetings.
Beenote is integrated with Microsoft Teams and can be used together during your online meetings.
Keep the information in the same place
Search through all your documents
Centralize your documents in a shared space
Keep a written/audio record of decisions
Secure the exchange of confidential files
Enhance your videoconferencing tool with official documents
Give back valuable time to your team members
Use a personalized agenda template to give your team a clear structure. By using a precise and recurring work plan, you will have fewer but better meetings.

Organize teleworking in teams
Automate your processes
Organize your projects by folder, by team
Reduce the time spent on writing
Specify roles: leader, manager, note taker
Integrate Beenote with your Microsoft 365 or Google tools

Work together, remotely, on online meeting management
Use a customized agenda template to give your team a clear structure. By using a clear, recurring agenda, you’ll have fewer, but better meetings.
Facilitate collaborative teleworking
Work together on your documents
Record your meetings; perfect for absentees
Manage day-to-day tasks
Work together on your documents
Avoid physical meetings
Beenote works with us before, during and after the meetings. We are better structured and the minutes of meeting does provide an overview of all the decisions we made. For each task assigned during our meetings, there is a person in charge: what better way to be effective!
Annick Breton, CPA, CGA
Senior Director – Canadian Taxation, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton