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Board of Directors Agenda Template
A board of directors agenda template allowing you to make better decisions with compliant meetings that optimize your governance.

Optimize the governance of your board of directors
The main purpose of a board meeting is to bring members together to make decisions for an organization.
It is through a structured, yet simple, approach to planning, executing and following up on meetings and decisions that good governance can be achieved.
The foundation begins with a collaborative and concise agenda that allows you to be effective in board and decision making.
The benefits of a compliant board of directors agenda template

Allows for a concise structure with a secure document that can be consulted by all members of the BOD in confidentiality according to the role chosen

The agenda allows you to stay focused on the discussion to make much more informed decisions

Collaborative agenda writing allows committee participants to be more engaged

Increase your corporate governance through the collaboration of all hierarchical levels with a meeting management solution

How to use the agenda for your board of directors
The agenda should be pre-set so that all board members can add their own items and review it before the meeting. This document is the backbone of the meeting, keeping the focus on the same topic and respecting the time of the meeting to ensure better decisions.
At the Fédération de natation du Québec, I was sending emails, Google Drive or Dropbox links, etc. to make sure to share as much information as possible with a Board of 9 people. Documents spread out on the left and on the right. With Beeboard, the management of the board is all in one place.
Board members simply open Beeboard and they will find everything they need to run their board (documents, tasks, agenda, calendar, etc.). This has made life easier for every board member and for me as a manager. It has also improved the knowledge transfer and governance of the organization.
Isabelle Ducharme
Formerly, Director General, Fédération de natation du Québec
Now, General Manager, Sport Québec