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Beenote + Yapla
Beenote + Yapla

Get 20% OFF on the Beeboard Solution

Meeting Management Solution for your Board of Directors and Annual General Meeting, partner of Yapla

Wondering how to use technology within your NPO to maximize your governance in a simple and effective way?

Beenote is proud to offer you its premium version of its board of directors meeting operation system, Beeboard, to accompany you throughout your process as an NPO manager.

Easy to use, easy to integrate and accessible to all, Beeboard is the best solution to drive your organization towards a simplified and centralized digital governance.

As a Yapla member, you will receive an instant 20% off the annual billing for the Beeboard solution.

No obligation. No credit card required

More than 10,000 organizations trust us to improve their meetings

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Improve governance through your Board of Directors

Beeboard is a tool that is easy to use, accessible to all and offers managers simplified governance through meeting management.

Beeboard will greatly improve the efficiency of your boards of directors and annual general meetings thanks to a simple, secure and efficient approach.


More time for what really matters: your board of directors

Use a customized or pre-built agenda template to give your team a consistent structure. By using a clear and recurring work plan, you will spend less time planning and have better board meetings.

Structure meetings

Integrate Beenote with your Microsoft 365 or Google tools

Automate processes


Reduce time spent writing

Keep track of information in one tool


Search through all your documents


Centralize your documents in a shared space



Document your virtual board for better results

Beenote is the perfect complement to your video conferences by allowing you to document in writing and keep an audio/video record of your meetings.

Beenote is fully integrated with Microsoft Teams.


Keep a written/audio record of decisions

Secure the exchange of confidential files


Enhance your online meetings with official documents

Main features of the Beeboard solution

(in addition to those of Beenote)

Integration with Google, Microsoft 365 and Teams

processus approbation

Approval process for the agenda and minutes

registre sujets, decisions, taches

Register of topics, tasks, decisions and resolutions

adoption procès-verbal

Approval of previous minutes

Notes personnelles

Personal note taking and secretary mode

Access logging

répertoire procès-verbaux

Directory of minutes

bibliothèque privée

Library and private records

vote decision

Face-to-face and Advance Voting

minutes signature

Digital Signature of the Minutes

Isabelle Ducharme

Before I was sending emails, Google Drive or Dropbox links, etc. to make sure to share as much information as possible with a Board of 9 people. Documents spread out on the left and on the right. With Beeboard, the management of the board is all in one place.

Board members simply open Beeboard and they will find everything they need to run their board (documents, tasks, agenda, calendar, etc.). This has made life easier for each board member and for me as a manager. It has also improved the knowledge transfer and governance of the organization.

Isabelle Ducharme
Formely, General Manager, Fédération de natation du Québec
Now, General Manager, Sport Québec


Beenote named one of the best board management software of 2021 by

Best board management software

Make your meeting management a success!